The Grit Factor: Unlocking Potential and Achieving Success and Joy in Challenging Times

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Life presents us all with difficulties and hardships. Some individuals crumble under pressure, while others rise above it. What accounts for this difference? How can we surmount the obstacles that block our path? How can we find joy and meaning amidst our struggles?

The ongoing socio-economic challenges have significantly impacted workers, particularly salaried employees whose earnings are either stagnant or lagging behind inflation rates, eroding their daily income. These socioeconomic pressures have led to an increase in mental health issues in the workplace, with many employees grappling with fears of job loss, debt, poverty, and underemployment. These challenges are compounded by other workplace issues, such as communication difficulties, poor culture, and leadership that lacks empathy.

Building robust mental resilience is crucial for maintaining productivity in these challenging times. Successful employees can navigate these problems with a mindset that fosters passion and perseverance. Similarly, successful leaders can instil this spirit of passion and perseverance in their teams.

This blend of passion and perseverance is known as grit. Grit drives us to pursue our goals, regardless of the difficulty or duration of the journey. It is a valuable skill that can help us succeed and find joy in challenging times. But just how prevalent and vital is grit in the workplace? Here are some statistics that provide insight:

  • A study by Angela Duckworth and colleagues found that grit better predicts job retention and performance than IQ, conscientiousness, or self-control across various occupations, including sales, teaching, and military training.
  • A Deloitte survey found that 32% of executives rated resilience, agility, and adaptability to change as the most critical skill for their employees in the future of work.
  • A LinkedIn report revealed that 92% of hiring managers consider soft skills, such as grit, as necessary or more important than hard skills, and 89% said that unsuccessful hires typically lacked these soft skills.
  • A study by Rob Cross and colleagues showed that resilience, closely related to grit, was heavily enabled by strong relationships and networks in the workplace. Resilient employees had more diverse and supportive connections and were likelier to seek and offer help than their less resilient counterparts.
  • Gallup research found that employees who were engaged at work, meaning they had high levels of passion and commitment, were 59% less likely to look for a job elsewhere, 21% more productive, and 17% more profitable than those who were not engaged.

These statistics suggest that grit is a rare and valuable skill in the workplace that can benefit both employees and employers in terms of retention, performance, and satisfaction. Therefore, developing and nurturing grit in ourselves and others is worthwhile, especially in times of uncertainty and change.

What is Grit?

Grit is more than a stubborn determination to resist or endure a difficult situation. It is a harmonious blend of passion and perseverance that guides our actions and emotions. This combination of passion and perseverance propels us to pursue our goals, no matter how strenuous or prolonged the journey. It is the spark that ignites our inner fire and the stamina that keeps it burning. It is the secret weapon that distinguishes the extraordinary from the ordinary.

There are essential components of GritGrit:

  • Passion: This is the fire that burns within us, the unwavering belief that what we are doing matters, and the fuel that propels us forward when the path becomes rocky and mountainous. Passion gives us a sense of purpose and direction, a reason to get up in the morning and to keep going at night.
  • Perseverance: This is the ability to step out of our comfort zone, to persist in the face of challenges and setbacks, to refuse to give up or surrender, and to believe that “greatness awaits” if we keep going. Perseverance gives us a marathoner’s spirit, a resilience that helps us bounce back from failures and adapt to changes.

How Grit Works?

Grit works by transforming our mindset, our actions, and our outcomes. It helps us to:

  • Set audacious goals: Gritty people are unsatisfied with the status quo or the easy way out. They aim high and dream big. They see the mountain and don’t settle for the foothills; they aspire for the summit. They envision what they want to achieve and why it matters.
  • Embrace the storms: Gritty people are not afraid of difficulties or hardships. They know that the journey to success is not a smooth sail but a rough ride. They expect and accept the challenges that come their way, such as hunger, humiliation, opposition, or lack of resources. But instead of being overwhelmed or discouraged by them, they use them as opportunities to grow and learn. They are like eagles that soar in the storm, not chickens that hide in the coop. They have a gritty spirit that says, “Bring it on!”
  • Bounce back from failures: Gritty people are not immune to failures or mistakes. They experience them as much as anyone else, if not more. But they don’t let them define them or stop them. They learn from them and move on. They don’t dwell on the past or wallow in self-pity. They dust off and rise. They may be bruised but never broken. They understand that, as General George Patton said, “Success is how high you bounce after you hit bottom.”
  • Adapt to changes: Gritty people are not rigid or inflexible. They are open to new ideas and possibilities. They are willing to change their plans, strategies, or methods if they are not working. They don’t cling to their comfort zone or their ego. They dance with change, not against it. They have an adapt-or-perish mindset that helps them survive and thrive in a dynamic and uncertain world.

How to Develop Grit?

Grit is not a fixed trait that you are born with or without. It is a skill that you can cultivate and improve. Here are some practical tips to help you develop your Grit Factor:

  • Stay the course: One of the keys to grit is consistency. It is not enough to have a burst of enthusiasm or effort at a project’s beginning or end. You must maintain your passion and perseverance throughout the process, even when facing obstacles or delays. Don’t let distractions or temptations derail you from your goals. Don’t quit when things get tough or boring. Stick to your plan and follow through.
  • Keep a hopeful mindset: develop the ability to see the positive side of any situation, focus on opportunities rather than problems, and believe that things will improve. Optimism helps us cope with stress and adversity and motivates us to keep trying. It also enables you to attract more favourable outcomes, as the law of attraction states. So, don’t lose hope whenever you encounter a challenge or a setback. Say to yourself, “The best is yet to come” and “This too shall pass.”
  • Find your passion: Passion is the source of grit and keeps you going. But how do you find your passion? You can start by answering this question: What excites you? What makes you happy? What are you curious about? What are you good at? What do you care about? Find out what sparks your joy and ignites your fire.
  • Set long-term goals: Once you find your passion, you must translate it into concrete, measurable goals. Goals give you a direction, destination, roadmap, and compass. They help you focus your energy and resources and track your progress and results. To develop grit, you need to set long-term goals that are challenging, specific, and meaningful.  Your long-term goals will stretch your abilities to overcome obstacles.
  • Embrace challenges: Challenges are opportunities to test your skills, learn new things, improve yourself, and grow. They are also fun and rewarding, giving you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. So, don’t shy away from challenges or avoid them. Instead, look for them and welcome them. Take on complex tasks, projects, or assignments. Try new things that scare you or make you uncomfortable. Push yourself beyond your limits and comfort zone. Challenge yourself to be better every day.
  • Learn from setbacks: Setbacks and failures are inevitable in any endeavour. They are part of the learning process and the feedback loop. They tell you what works and what doesn’t, what you need to change and what you need to keep. They also teach you valuable lessons, such as humility, patience, persistence, and resilience. So, don’t be afraid of setbacks and failures, or let them discourage you. Instead, embrace and learn from them, viewing them as stepping stones to success, not stumbling blocks.
  • Connect your actions to a meaningful purpose: Align your goals and actions with your values and purpose. Purpose gives you a reason to keep going and to make a positive impact. It also helps you attract more positive outcomes.
  • Celebrate small wins and acknowledge your progress: Create a list of accomplishments and celebrate them. Gratitude is an inseparable part of grit. It helps you boost your motivation and confidence and appreciate your journey.


In this article, we have learned about grit, the mix of passion and perseverance that motivates us to chase our dreams, no matter how challenging or long the journey. We have seen how grit can help us succeed and be happy in difficult times and how we can develop it in ourselves and others. We have also shared some tips and strategies for fostering grit in the workplace and dealing with some common challenges employees face in the current economic situation.

We hope you have enjoyed this article and found it helpful and inspiring and that you will use these tips and strategies in your work and life. Remember, grit is not something you either have or don’t have. It is something you either do or don’t do. It is a choice you make every day. So, choose to be gritty, and you will unleash your potential and joy in tough times.

The secret to thriving and becoming better and successful is to be gritty. So, embrace your inner grit. Climb your Everest, dance in the rain, and celebrate every bruise. For greatness is forged in the gritty moments


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Olukunle A. Iyanda




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